Application of the Discussion Method to Improve Science Learning Outcomes in Grade IV Students of MlS Al-Khoiriyah Palembang


Arnianti Arnianti
Dyah Indraswati


Most of the students learning outcomes in learning are still low. This study aims   to improve student learning outcomes in science class IV MIS.AL-Khoiriyah Palembang.  The research method used was classroom action research method used was classroom action research. The research procedures included: planning, implementing, reflecting. The results showed that the use of the discussion method could improve student learning  in class IV MIS.Al- Khoriyah Palembang. This can be seen from the percentage student    learning outcomes, cycle 1 that 64,24% and in cycle 2 the value of student learning completeness increased KKM 70 and learning be seen from the percentage student lerning outcomes, in cycle 1 that is 64,24% and in cycle 2 the value of student learning completeness increased and increased and learning completeness increased and reached    KKM 70 and learning completeness increased to 85,71%.


How to Cite
Arnianti, A., & Indraswati, D. (2023). Application of the Discussion Method to Improve Science Learning Outcomes in Grade IV Students of MlS Al-Khoiriyah Palembang. Journal of Learning Improvement and Lesson Study, 3(1), 1-5.

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