Lesson Study in Pre-Service Biology Teacher Education at Universitas Riau
Lesson study, pre-service teachers, Teacher Professional Education programAbstract
The Teacher Professional Education (TPE) Program aims to train qualified teachers by providing
structured training and learning programs through Field Experience Practice (EP), which was
implemented in schools in two cycles: EP 1 and EP 2, using the Lesson Study format. Both cycles
of EP involved 1 tutor teacher, 2 observer teachers, 1 supervising lecturer, and 5 TPE students. Each
cycle goes through 3 phases: Plan, Do, and See. The results of profiling showed that the students'
characteristics were kinesthetic and audio-visual. The learning model used is problem-based
learning, and based on observations of independent learning activities and collaboration in
completing their assignments, all deficiencies are addressed during reflection activities. In the final
stage of the learning activities, each party involved in the Lesson Study activities obtained valuable
lessons. The supervisors received insights to apply improvements to courses related to the TPE
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