Learning to Make Digital Maps Using Project-Based Learning Based on Lesson Study in Cartography Course


Yeni Erita
Syafri Ahmad
Elfia Sukma


Lack of support for learning facilities owned by students in learning cartography, especially in making digital maps, causes less achievement of learning objectives. Learning to make digital maps using the PJBL model and carried out in the form of Lesson Study activities The purpose of this research is to describe Learning to make digital maps using the PJBL model and implemented in Lesson Study activities The method used is descriptive which describes in full the information obtained by researchers from the implementation of lesson studies. The results obtained in the Do stage for positive things are, First, there is a high enthusiasm from some students to learn, second, students gain new knowledge in making digital maps. While for the negative things are First, one computer is used by several students, second, the number of students is too large for the type of skills courses, and third, students are less focused on learning. The See stage is first, the need for lecturers to pay attention to the number of students in one class, second, the need for lecturers to make preparations before learning begins.


How to Cite
Erita, Y., Ahmad, S., & Sukma, E. (2022). Learning to Make Digital Maps Using Project-Based Learning Based on Lesson Study in Cartography Course. Journal of Learning Improvement and Lesson Study, 2(1), 40-45. https://doi.org/10.24036/jlils.v2i1.16

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